Write first on WhatsApp in HubSpot

1. Go to a deal or contact card.

2. In the “Wazzup” menu on the right, click “Start chat”.

Mexico and Brazil have 2 phone number formats:


+55-xx-xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx — old format of 12 digits
+55-xx-xxx-9xxxxx-xxxxx — the new format of 13 digits


+521-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx — old format of 13 digits
+52-xx-xxxxxx-xxxx — new format of 12 digits

In WhatsApp, chat is only possible with a long number, that is, the new format for Brazil and the old format for Mexico. Wazzup also works only with long numbers in both cases.

To reach customers in Brazil and Mexico, write to them on long numbers, i.e. 13-digit numbers. If you try to write to a short number (of 12 digits), you will get an error: "This number is not in WhatsApp. The client may have changed the number or deleted the account"

3. Write your message.

4. Done — you’ve created a conversation and wrote your first message.