This week we’ve fixed a few bugs in WABA: There are no problems with sending the media from now on, rejected templates can finally be deleted and the balance of the subscription does not overvalue itself again and again..
We have also made the service more stable, but – for the sake of that – we had to sacrifice the large group chats. We’ll talk about all of it in the new changelog.
Changes to the functioning of group chats
We are no longer pulling in messages from group chats with 100+ members into Wazzup chats – we had to do this to make WhatsApp channels work more consistently.
In Wazzup chats old group chats with 100+ participants will not be updated anymore, while fresh ones won’t be displayed completely.
☝️ Messages from such groups will continue to arrive in the WhatsApp app on your phone though – you can still chat from there.
P.S.: at first we had stopped supporting group chats with 10+ participants, but then we received your feedback and found a way to improve stability with less restrictions.
WABA: rejected templates and drafts can be deleted by yourself
How it worked before: to delete WABA templates in Rejected and Draft status, you used to contact guys from customer support.
How it works now: rejected templates and drafts can be deleted from your personal Wazzup account same goes for the active ones.
WABA: media and voice can be sent without any problems
How it worked before in WABA: sometimes photos, files and voicemails could not be delivered. An exclamation mark appeared in the status of messages, and “Unknown error” was shown by clicking on it.
How it works now: the issue was fixed, messages can be sent successfully.
WABA: adequately assessing the balance of subscriptions
How it worked before: the status “Enough for about 7 days” appeared next to the low balance of WABA subscription, although the amount might not even be enough for one new correspondence with the client. For example, this status could be displayed when the balance was only a rouble ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How it works now: we’ve changed the status to a more truthful one. If there is less than 25% of the last recharge on the balance, we will say that “We are about to run out of money”.
That’s all for now, folks. Stay tuned to our newswire to keep up with our updates. Hugs to everyone :*