Add integration with Bitrix24

Integration is installed only in the following order: install application in Bitrix24 → install integration in Wazzup. If you start creating the integration from your Wazzup account, the integration will not be added.

1. Go to Bitrix24 Marketplace using the link — it leads to our application.

2. Install the application. This can only be done by a user who has administrator rights for the Bitrix24 account. If the account administrator changes, the integration may stop working and you will need to reinstall it.

3. Click “Open application” → in Bitrix24 the Wazzup account will open.

4. Log in or sign up in Wazzup.

5. The “Integration with CRM” section will open → click the “Connect” button

Done — you have connected integration with Bitrix24.

Return to the tab with your personal Wazzup account in Bitrix24. If you have not yet connected messengers, you need to connect them in the “Channels” tab

When you connect the channels, the settings of the connected integration will appear in the “Integration with CRM” section. To make everything work as it should: deals go into the right funnels, salespeople see only their chats, and managers can follow up with salespeople — the integration needs to be set up.