Here we tell you how to write first manually on WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber. But we also have articles on how to write to a client automatically using automation rules and Business Processes.
From Wazzup Chat
1. Go to the deal card and enter the contact’s phone number.
To write by username, in the contact card, fill in the TelegramUsername_WZ field with the account name via @. For example, @Wazzup_support_bot
2. Click on the “Wazzup” button on the top menu bar.
3. A chat with the client will open. If the seller has multiple numbers available, the chat will be created from the sales rep’s priority number.
If you need to write from another number: click on the arrow next to the contact’s name in the chat list → create a chat from the desired number by clicking the “+ Create dialogue” button.
4. Write and send a message.
5. Done — you have created a dialogue and wrote first.
From Bitrix24 chat
Bitrix24 chat is in the comments to the deal.
1. Go to the deal card. In the menu in the comments, select the action “SMS / WhatsApp” → click the “More” button with an underscore.
2. Specify Wazzup in the “using” line.
In the line, you can select only the type of channel from which the message will leave — WhatsApp, Telegram or Viber. You cannot select a specific number. If the seller has more than one number available, the message will be sent from the priority channel.
3. Enter your message text.
You can add an attachment to it, but only by link. For this:
a) Prepare a link to the file. Send the file via Wazzup chat to your number or customer number. The service will process the file and assign a link to it.
b) Right click on the image → copy the URL of the image.
c) Add a link to the message. Enclose all links in square brackets [ ]. It will turn out like this:
4. Click “Send” — the message will go to the client. It will be displayed in the comments to the card and Wazzup chats.