What are WABA universal templates and why are they needed

We’ve made universal WhatsApp Business API (WABA) templates so you can start a correspondence with a customer from any text. This way you don’t have to moderate templates for all occasions with Facebook.

What are universal templates

These are WABA templates, which we moderate in Facebook. You can see them under “Message templates” → “WABA templates”. They are empty: there is no approved text in them.

You can start a paid 24-hour correspondence with these templates: you can write anything in them and send it, even if there is no dialog with the client yet. This is often more convenient than choosing a WABA template with ready-made text. For example, when you want to clarify something quickly or need to get in touch about an atypical issue.

👉 How correspondence on WABA channels work

How to start WABA correspondence with text in a universal template

Spoiler: you don’t need to search for a template in the WABA list in chat. It’s easier:

1. Open a dialog with the client you want to start a 24-hour correspondence with.

2. Enter the text of the message and send it – done. The text will automatically go in the universal template.

If you can’t enter the message text, the templates are probably still being approved by Facebook. To find out if a template is approved, go to “Message templates” → “WABA templates” and see the status.

If your universal templates are rejected, write to support

How much does it cost to send a universal template

When you send a text in the universal template, it looks like you’re sending a regular message. In fact, you start a 24-hour session with the template, just as Facebook intended.

The universal template is a WABA template, so Facebook charges you for starting the correspondence

Most often Facebook approves universal templates with the category “Marketing” — we can’t influence this. Therefore, starting a correspondence with any text in them will cost the price for the “Marketing” session.

👉 How much do WhatsApp Business API conversations cost

What you can send in a universal template

You can only send text without paragraphs or indents. There are no attachments or buttons in the template.

Therefore, we do not recommend writing too much at once: it will be difficult for the client to read one large paragraph without structure. It’s better to send a short message, wait for a response, and then write everything down in detail.

Also, write to your contacts only what is interesting to them. Otherwise, messages will be thrown into spam or your number will be blocked, and this will affect the quality of your WhatsApp account; I can ban the templates.

Why you shouldn’t remove universal templates from Wazzup

Without universal templates, you won’t be able to start a correspondence with any text. You will have to send only what is agreed with Facebook, and it does not approve everything.

Even if you don’t plan to use universal templates, we suggest leaving them. So that they do not interfere with your personal account and sellers in the chat, move them down in the list of WABA templates using thebutton. This way, if you ever don’t have a suitable template, a universal one will help you, and you won’t have to waste time creating a new one.

If you accidentally delete our templates, please contact support. The guys will create new.